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Spousal Maintenance Victoria
We Provide Legal Advice and Representation Around all Aspects of Spousal Mainteinace
Spousal Maintenance
Spousal maintenance, also known as alimony, is a financial support paid by one spouse to another either during or after separation or family mediation.
The purpose of spousal maintenance is to ensure that a party who does not have sufficient financial resources to meet their needs can access funds if the other party has the capacity to pay spousal maintenance.
The length of spousal maintenance can vary depending on various factors such as the length of the marriage, the earning capacity of each spouse, and the financial needs of each party. In some cases, spousal maintenance may be awarded for a specific period of time, such as a few years, to allow the recipient spouse to become financially self-sufficient. In other cases, spousal maintenance may be awarded indefinitely, especially in long-term marriages where one spouse may have sacrificed their career to support the other.
It is important to note that the length of spousal maintenance is not set in stone and can be modified or terminated based on changes in circumstances. For example, if the recipient spouse gets a significant pay raise or remarries, the paying spouse may be able to petition the court to reduce or eliminate spousal maintenance with the help of divorce lawyers.
Overall, the length of spousal maintenance is a complex issue that should be approached with the guidance of a qualified legal professional. If you are going through a divorce and have questions about spousal maintenance, it is important to consult with an experienced family lawyers to understand your rights and options.
Eligibility rules and time limitations apply to maintenance. You should obtain specific legal advice from our family lawyers.
Marriages and Maintenance
If you are married you may be entitled to maintenance both during the marriage and after the break-down of the marriage. The entitlement to seek maintenance is available up until you have been divorced for 12 months or if you have been divorced for more then 12 months if you can show hardship would be caused or if the parties otherwise consent outside of 12 months.
De Facto Relationships and Maintenance
If your de facto relationship has come to an end, you may be entitled to maintenance where you have been in a de facto relationship for 2 or more years or there is a child of the relationship or there have been significant contributions and it would be unjust for the contribution not to be recognised or the relationship has been registered in a State or Territory. You must also meet the geographical requirements.
The entitlement to seek a maintenance payment from a de facto relationship is available up until you have been separated for 2 years, or if you have been separated for more than 2 years if you can show hardship would be caused or if both parties agree.

When Can a Person Be Entitled to Maintenance
A person will generally be entitled to claim maintenance if:
They have the care and control of a child of the relationship who is under 18;
Due to their age, physical or mental incapacity for gainful employment; or
For any other adequate reason.
There are many reasons that are an adequate reason for maintenance. As maintenance entitlements can be complex to determine, you should obtain legal advice from family and child custody lawyers like us.
How Much Maintenance Can Be Paid?
Unlike property settlement, there is no set payment amount when it comes to working out a maintenance entitlement it depends on various circumstances. The payment should be sufficient but not excessive. Any entitlement to maintenance depends on:
The capacity of the payer to make maintenance payments based on their income, property, financial resources and capacity to earn an income; and
Based on the need of the payee, to support themselves at an adequate level which depends on their circumstances.
Every circumstance has to be considered specifically as there are many reasons that can show an inability for adequate self-support and many factors considered in maintenance assessments.​
More Property Settlement Options and Information
There are various important options and matters to consider in a property settlement. Choosing the best options for your circumstances can save you time, money and stress. Find links to more information about your options below, however, keep in mind that there is no substitute for the seasoned family law legal advice and service from family lawyers like us.
How Often are Maintenance Payments Made
Maintenance payments can be:
A one-off payment or periodical payments under urgent circumstances.
A lump-sum payment or several lump-sum payments.
A periodical payment made weekly, fortnightly, monthly or as otherwise appropriate etc.
Limited to a period such as 3 months, several years or until death.
For a fixed period until further consideration or changes in circumstances.
As every circumstance is different and many factors are considered when it comes to maintenance, you should speak to family lawyers like us about your maintenance rights or obligations.
How Can Maintenance Payments be Arranged?
There are several ways maintenance payments can be arranged which include:
A voluntary non-enforceable agreement between the parties;
Through a financial agreement which deals with maintenance and which is binding on both of the parties;
Through an application for consent orders; or
Through family law court proceedings.
Except for cases complicated by intervention orders, parties to a marriage or de facto relationship should attempt to resolve maintenance rights out of court where possible. If an agreement cannot be made, the parties may need to go to court proceedings to have the matter determined by a court.